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Oudong Cycle, Ancient Capital of Cambodia

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Day Tour Cycling
Pickup from hotel
Cycle to Oudong
Tour Details

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Oudong Cycle, Ancient Capital of Cambodia

This a great cycle experience through the beautiful of Tonle Sap riverside. We first make a short transfer out of town we then start riding our bicycles and quickly leave behind the city’s hustle and bustle where you’ll encounter experience with the beautiful farmlands, paddy rice fields, Muslim community and Buddha temples. We’ll also stop and pay a visit the silver and bronze handicraft villages where you will connect with a local artisan and learn from the villagers.

We continue to cycle into the villages that today make up Oudong. It was served as the capital of Cambodia under several sovereigns between 1618 and 1866, during which time ‘victorious’ was an optimistic epithet, as Cambodia was in terminal decline. Several kings, including King Norodom were crowned here.

We’ll stop at a small village that is built at the base of an impressive temple, indicating Oudong’s historical governance. In the authentic market here, we’ll lunch on savory fruits, vegetables and Cambodian specialties.

After lunch, if you’re up for it, we’ll also make our way up the temple’s 500 steps for a breathtaking view of Cambodian countryside. We drive back and arrive in the city in the evening.

Meals included: Lunch
Distance cycled approx. 30km or 60km without support vehicle

Price Includes

  • All sightseeing tour and transfer services as detailed in the itinerary
  • 01 Lunch in a local restaurant
  • Air-conditioned support vehicle
  • English speaking local cycle guide
  • Bike rental with helmet, tool box, inner tube, hand pump
  • All entrance fee as mentioned
  • Pure drinking water and sncaks whilst cycling

Map Not Availale

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