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Temples, Sea & Provincial Life Cycle Tour

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Multi-day Tour Cycling
Tour brief

Leave the tourist trails and discover Cambodia’s rural areas during  this adventurous 3-day cycle tour. Visit the ‘Killing Fields’ and the Angkorian temples of Tonle Bati, and pedal through delightful scenery to Kep and Kampot.

This 3-day bike  tour takes you on a discovery of Cambodia’s temples, coastline, and provincial life. A cycle tour is one of the best ways to really connect with the country and its local people, and experience the village life and escape the well-trodden tourist trails. Your local guide, cycle guide, and support vehicle will be there to assist you in your cycle journey across Cambodia’s spectacular countryside.
Temples, Sea & Provincial Life Cycle Tour 3 Days / 2 Nights

Day 1Phnom Penh - Takeo

This morning you spin away from the early morning hustle and bustle of Phnom Penh to Cheoung Ek, more commonly known as the ‘Killing Fields’. This is where Khmer Rouge prisoners were forcibly marched and then executed; it is now a memorial site located in a beautiful tranquil setting.

After some contemplation you continue pedaling south and after a short route along almost traffic-free dirt roads and some lightly trafficked tarmac roads you will arrive at Tonle Bati, a riverside location where we will have time to explore the small yet picturesque Angkorian temples of Ta Prohm and Yeay Peau.

Continue to cycle south towards Takeo, en-route visit Chiso Mountain, where you can climb a 180-step to the top of the mountain to explore the well-preserved ruins of a 10th century Angkorian temple. Enjoy an amazing view over the typical Cambodian countryside.

After lunch, we continue riding towards a sleepy Takeo and passing some amazing lake scenery surrounded with paddy fields. Upon arrival you will check in homestay.

Meals included: Lunch, Dinner
Distance cycled: approx. 70km
Overnight in homestay

Day 2Takeo - Kep

After a good breakfast we take a short transfer into the countryside to the starting point. We then start riding the back roads pass villages and rice fields. The topography that will be forever etched in your mind is that of a sprawling countryside of fields and palm trees. We ride slowly, taking pictures along the way and taking in the stunning vistas.

Kep was a popular seaside resort with Cambodia’s elite in the 1940s-60s, but it was abandoned during the Khmer Rouge period. Today it is experiencing a revival with many of the empty, decaying villas being restored into delightful hotels. Kep is also famous for its seafood, which you can taste at the numerous beach-side restaurants.

Meals included: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
Distance cycled: approx. 60km
Overnight in Kep

Day 3Kep - Kampot

Another stretch of riverside villages and exquisite countryside awaits the cyclists today.
This morning starts with an early morning visit to the lively crab market, to watch the women hauling their crustacean-laden baskets ashore and the local restaurateurs haggling and making their deals.

Then, we’ll ride We ride on small trails then minor roads past ‘Secret Lake’ or also known as “Brateak Krola Lake”, a man-made reservoir. Along the way, visit the pepper plantations and the stunning cave temple of Phnom Chhnork which is located amongst rice paddies. Follow a 200-step staircase up the hill and down into the cave. Keep your eyes open for a stalactite elephant and a small 7th century Funan-era temple inside the main chamber.
After lunch at a beautiful riverside restaurant, step out to discover local life at Kampot. Enough anecdotes and local street food flows to keep us engaged.

Enjoy sunset cruise behind Bokor Mountain as you chug upstream. Later, take a shuttle transfer back to Kep. Do try the pungent Durian fruit, famous of this place. Kampot is also known for its salt and pepper production.

Meals included: Breakfast, Lunch
Distance cycled: approx. 60km

Price Includes

  • All sightseeing tour and transfer services as detailed in the itinerary
  • Accommodation based on twin/double sharing
  • Private air-conditioned support vehicle
  • English speaking local cycle guide
  • Bike rental with helmet, tool box, inner tube, hand pump
  • Sunset boat cruise
  • All entrance fees as mentioned
  • Daily cold pure drinking water, snacks and cool face towels whilst cycling
  • Meals as detailed in the above itinerary (B=Breakfast, L=Lunch, D=Dinner)

Price Excludes

  • Services not detailed in the above itinerary
  • International flights & Visa
  • Any airport taxes
  • Drinks with included meals
  • Expenditure of a personal nature
  • Discretionary tips
  • Travel insurance

Map Not Available

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