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Sihanoukville is Cambodia’s premier beach resort, and its delightful white sandy beaches and warm waters make for an ideal tropical escape to relax and unwind after a few hot days of exploring the Angkor temples. Sihanoukville, on Cambodia’s south coast, is a place to chill-out, enjoy the fresh from-the-ocean seafood, take in a snorkelling or scuba trip, try deep-sea fishing, sail the seas, and island-hop near-deserted beaches. For those who wish to party there is also a lively and eclectic nightlife scene.

The main town of Sihanoukville is 2km inland, and whilst it is so laidback that cows and chickens wander across the roads it is not the most attractive of places. However, the beaches that stretch for 10km along the coastline like a string of pearls certainly make up for this. It is along these beaches where the better choices of accommodation are to be found. There are 7 beaches within easy reach of Sihanoukville town, and whilst they all offer white sandy beaches, are chilled out and quiet, it is worth exploring as each beach has its own character.

The restaurant scene is growing and becoming more sophisticated. Of course the fresh seafoodcrablobsterprawns, and ocean fish has always been Sihanoukville’s biggest draw, but now many foreign cuisines are on offer, such as: French, Indian, German, Sri Lankan and Italian. The thatched roofed eateries that line some of the beaches make a great spot to grab a snack and watch the sea as you take a break from sunbathing.

Sihanoukville’s beaches are seldom crowded, however if you want to ‘escape’ there are several islands nearby, such as Koh Russei and Koh Kaiev, with some having rustic beachfront restaurants for a delicious BBQ, as well as good snorkelling. For the adventurous there are more islands further out, such as Koh Rong Samleon or Koh Tang, that offer some wonderful, relatively unexplored, scuba diving opportunities, both day trips and live-a-boards. Or if you fancy catching your own dinner head off-shore in search of prized barracuda!

Back on dry land Sihanoukville is an excellent base for exploring the nearby waterfalls of  Kbal Chhay where you can relax with a picnic lunch. Or take an overnight trip to Ream National Park, where you can cruise through mangrove forests and dolphin spot on route to deserted islands. Or if you are more active take a guided trek through the surrounding forested hills in search of macaques, sun bears, and countless bird species. Finally spending the night at the basic Dolphin Station with the sea lapping beneath you. Sihanoukville has much more to offer than just sunbathing, however its beaches are the perfect place to lay back and contemplate your Cambodia journey…

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