081800933 Info@asia-adventures.com

Cycling Tours

Angkor Wat and Tonle Sap

Day Tour Cycling

Explore Angkor Wat Temple
Visit Ta Prohm Temple
Visit Wat Athvea Pagoda
Monk Blessing for good luck
Crusing through floating village
Engjoy the sun is setting down on boat

Biking Angkor Temples

Day Tour Cycling

Takeo, Ta Prohm, Sras Srong
Angkor Thom – Bayon
Phyramid of Baphuon
Phimean Akas & Elephant Terrace
Angkor Wat Temple & Sunset
Enjoy lunch with locals

Killing Fields and Tonle Bati Cycle

Day Tour Cycling

Escape from the city
Visit the Killing fields
Discover small Angkorian temples
Climb a 180-step to the top of Mt Chiso
Enjoy lunch with locals

Mekong Island (Koh Dach) Cycle

Day Tour Cycling

Escape from the city
Visit silk weaving village
Support local products
Visit a thousand years Pagoda
Enjoy lunch with locals

Oudong Cycle, Ancient Capital of Cambodia

Day Tour Cycling

Bike on small trails and back-road
Meet friendly villagers
Visit the hill-top temple
Learn about Ancient Capital of Cambidia
Enjoy lunch with locals

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