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Tailor-made holidays crafted by locals

Exploring the City

Phnom Penh is the charming capital city of Cambodia. This captivating and vibrant city has undeniable charm, with its roadsides teeming with street food stalls and colourful, bustling markets. Situated in a virtually flat area at the confluence of the Tonle Sap, Bassac and Mekong rivers, the compact city hasn’t yet been overwhelmed by the towering high-rise developments that blight neighbouring Southeast Asian capitals.

Exploring the Temples

Phnom Penh is the charming capital city of Cambodia. This captivating and vibrant city has undeniable charm, with its roadsides teeming with street food stalls and colourful, bustling markets. Situated in a virtually flat area at the confluence of the Tonle Sap, Bassac and Mekong rivers, the compact city hasn’t yet been overwhelmed by the towering high-rise developments that blight neighbouring Southeast Asian capitals.

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