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Takeo Province

Takeo is certainly low key and not very often visited by tourists and until recently had a much forgotten feel about it. However, it has now been given a facelift and sits on Highway 2, a newly sealed road that links Phnom Penh with Vietnam. It is thought this road could become a new freight route to/from Vietnam thus returning some former glory to Takeo.

To the north of the town is large lily covered lake and an ancient Funan era canal that stretches off easterly into the distance. In the past Takeo had been a bustling little port town taking in volumes of trade (legal and otherwise) from Vietnam that would arrive via this canal, however the trade declined as the roads improved. Today the small town is made up of many local government department buildings and there are still a smattering of colonial villas dispersed across town, some of which are in surprisingly good condition. During the Khmer Rouge time Takeo was a strategic town and the infamous KR General, Ta Mok, had a private villa built on an ‘island’ in the town’s lake, which still stands today. Today the waterfront promenade makes for a pleasant early morning or late afternoon sunrise/set stroll.

Whilst in Takeo it is certainly worth considering taking a boat trip along the Funan era canal to the remote town of  Angkor Borei and the ancient hilltop temple remains of Phnom Da.

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